Canopy Gable Peak Definitions
(Canopy Gable Peak Styles)
The Peak style is defined by the angle of the fitting that connects the leg to the rafter. The following table shows that as you increase corner angle for a given size tarp width:
- The front opening (peak end) of the canopy gets narrower
- The Peak height Increases
The above measurements were calculated using a 9ft wide tarp, 6 foot side legs and 0 inch tubing.
Design Note:
Tarp over side and Valance canopy designs are not recommended for Flat Roof or Low Peak style canopies. The slope of the roof is not great enough to allow water to run off of the roof. As a result water can accumulate on the top of the canopy and the weight can cause the canopy to collapse
Tubing and fitting dimensions may not be specified like you would think.
Tubing outside diameters are typically larger than the order size.
To compensate for this, the openings of the fittings are sized to be
slightly larger than the actual tubing size they are specified for.
For example a 3/4" fitting actually has a 1" inside diameter. This is
sized so that 3/4" EMT which has an actual outside diameter of 15/16"
will fit inside the fitting. For more information see the table below.
Fittings ID is the Inside Diameter of the fitting.
Tubing OD is the Outside Diameter of the tubing that is used for this fitting size.
|  | |  | |
| Fittings | | Tubing |
Order Size | Actual Fitting ID* | | Actual Tubing OD* | Type Tubing |
3/4" (A) | 1" (1.0 in.) | | 15/16" (0.9375 in.) | Electrical Metal Conduit (EMT) |
1" (B) | 1-3/16" (1.1875 in.) | | 1-1/8" (1.125 in.) | Electrical Metal Conduit (EMT) |
1 3/8" (C) | 1-3/8" (1.375 in.) | | 1-5/16" (1.3125 in.) | Chain link Fence Tubing |
1 5/8" (D) | 1-3/4" (1.75 in.) | | 1-11/16" (1.6875 in.) | Chain link Fence Tubing |
1 7/8" (E) | 1-15/16" (1.9375 in.) | | 1-7/8" (1.875 in.) | Chain link Fence Tubing |
*All sizes are rounded to the nearest 1/16" of an inch.